Your own personal expert will guide you through all of your options, free of charge. We make your search to find the right coverage quick and convenient!

(855) 653-3626

Travel Insurance for
Domestic and International Trips

Whether you travel for business, pleasure or charitable work, get the coverage you need to have peace of mind while you’re away. We have travel insurance for domestic travel within the United States and International travel. Get benefits like emergency medical evacuation, hospital and ambulance coverage, acute onset of pre-existing conditions coverage, and more.

Do you travel internationally for business? We have travel insurance plans designed for business professionals who take multiple international trips within the year. There is one low annual premium, so you can travel worry free at a moment's notice.

KeenanDirect has partnered with Atlas Travel to offer plans as low as $1 per day. Affordable and comprehensive travel insurance is within your reach. Check out the plan options and get a quote.